Do you prefer to lounge in chairs and sofas or on floors and floor cushions? Zabutons are Japanese cushions designed for living on the floor. Meanwhile, recliners such as Barcaloungers have gained a lot of popularity in the states to lounge comfortably in a chair.
In today’s episode, we examine the difference between Japan’s floor living culture and the furniture culture of America. Cheechan shares John’s hilarious first encounters with floor life on his visit to Japan. It definitely takes some getting used to!
今日のエピソードでは日本の床生活とアメリカの椅子生活を比べる中、John が初めて日本を訪れた時の床生活体験談を Cheechan がシェアしてくれます。日本人にとっては何気無い習慣も初めての人にとっては慣れるのも一苦労。
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