Game nights are a popular pastime for families and groups of friends. In this week’s episode we dive into our favorite games we like to play (in real life)!


Between Yakko and Cheechan there are many classic games such as Uno, Twister, and Jenga that made it to the list.

Yakko と Cheechan がまず思いついたレトロなゲームと言えば、Uno「ウノ」、ツイスター、そしてジェンガ。

But, if you’re looking to study up on American pop culture, slang, and language, perhaps word games such as Pictionary, Cards Against Humanity (adults only please…) and Apples to Apples might be good ones to check out.


For a super real-life experience, we recommend checking out an escape room! With the recent popularity of escape rooms, they are popping up all around the globe. Yakko plans to go play one in Tokyo!

実際に身体を動かすゲームの中でオススメしたいのは、脱出ルーム!脱出ルームは今大人気のゲームで世界中に新しい店舗がどんどん増えています。Yakko も早速東京の脱出ルームをチェック予定!

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