Japanese sake, red wine, scotch, Midori sours… what’s your favorite adult beverage?


In today’s episode, we are toasting our favorite alcoholic beverages and our drinking customs – everything from a beer after work to fancy cocktails while out with friends. If you’re in Japan, be sure to check out a sake tasting event!


While Cheechan is a self-proclaimed cheap date, Yakko can drink with the best of them. Tune in to hear what odd thing happens to Yakko when she has had a few too many! ????

Cheechan は自称「安上がりなデート相手(お酒に弱い人)」、Yakko は聞くところによると酒豪のようだ(笑)Yakko がお酒を飲み過ぎるとどうなるか、、、是非今週のエピソードを聞いてチェックして見てね!

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Categories: Episodes