Woohoo! We are stepping up our game here at Lost in Japanglish and are thrilled to roll out our new, super professional intro! ????We hope you love it as much as we do – we really strive to deliver interesting, entertaining content each week!
Coincidentally, in this week’s episode, we are discussing the sounds of Japan and the US. Can you guess what Cheechan’s #1 sound is she associates with Japan? Yakko & Cheechan cover everything from music to announcement bells to appliance alarms, and how the sounds of each country are a little different.
偶然にも今週のエピソードのテーマは「音」。音楽はもちろんのこと、学校のチャイムや家電の音など、日米のユニークな「音」について語り合います。Cheechan にとって「日本の音」とはどんな音でしょう?
Check out this week’s episode at the link above and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcasts or Android!