Do you love reusable products? We hope so! Yakko & Cheechan are both on a journey to reduce the amount of waste they produce in their lives, and in this week’s episode, they share some of their favorite reusable products.

みなさんは再利用品に興味ありますか?Cheechan と Yakko は日々どうしたらゴミを減らせるか考えながら、ゴミの削減方法を探求する旅をしています!というわけで今週のエピソードでは2人の大好きな再利用品をシェアします。

Yakko & Cheechan also compare their observation of what’s different about Japan and America – everything from take-out containers, buying in bulk, to carrying around utensils. 


Check out this week’s episode at the link above and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcasts or Android!


Categories: Episodes