In last week’s episode (#136) we covered things that were super Japanese such as genmaicha and karaoke. For this week’s episode, we’re flipping the coin to talk about what are the things that are super, classically American.


Yakko & Cheechann cover a lot of ground for all things American. Everything from high school prom and television shows to a few of Yakko’s favorites: BBQs, garage sales, and cherry-flavored sodas. Even paper is different in size, texture, and number of hole punches! So that letter-sized three-hole punch lined paper is definitely Americana.

2人が「どアメリカ」と感じるものは様々のようです。高校のプロム(フォーマルな舞踏会)からテレビ番組まで。更に Yakko の大好きなバーベキュー、ガレージセール、チェリー味の炭酸飲料なども紹介します。一般的に使う紙の大きさ・質感・綴じ穴数も実は日本と違うのを知っていましたか?なので青い横線の入った3穴用紙も「どアメリカ」!

Check out this week’s episode at the link above and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcasts or Android!


Categories: Episodes