Here at Lost in Japanglish, we love inspirational quotes. We’ve been collecting them for ages. And, in this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan share some of their favorites!

ロスジャパではときめく言葉について語り合うのが大好きで、大昔から集めています❤️今週のエピソードでは、その中でも Cheechan と Yakko が特に好きな選りすぐりの名言をご紹介します。

Not surprisingly, many of the favorite quotes include nature-inspired words, as metaphors and guides. We cover everything from American poet Mary Oliver to Tibetan Proverbs to Alice in Wonderland.


Do you have a favorite Japanese or American inspirational quote? Please share your favorites over on Instagram @lostinjapanglish.

みなさんもきっと大好きな名言があるはず!日本語でも英語でも、是非好きな言葉をロスジャパのインスタ @lostinjapanglish でシェアして下さい😉

Check out this week’s episode at the link above and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcasts or Android!


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