
Learning a new language is awesome. But, getting to the point where you can speak it well is hard! Often, the words just don’t come to mind when you need them and it’s tough to get them to flow naturally.

今週のエピソードでは、Cheechan と Yakko がよく聞かれる質問に答えます。「どうしたらもっと流暢に英語を話せるようになる?」その答えは思っているよりシンプル、でも手強いもの?!さぁポッドキャストを聴いて、その答えをゲットしましょう!

In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan answer a question they often get. “How can I become more fluent when speaking?” The answer is simpler and harder than you might think! Listen-in to hear their answer!


Check out this week’s episode at the link above and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcasts or Android!

《今日のフレーズ》※ come to mind: 思い付く、頭に浮かぶ

Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

Categories: Episodes