
Do you have go-to remedies for when you feel under the weather? Home remedies are often passed down through the generations and can differ quite a bit from culture to culture.

今週のエピソードでは Cheechan と Yakko それぞれのちょっとした治療法と、アメリカや日本で人気の治療法について語り合います。

In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan discuss their favorites and what’s popular in Japan and the USA.


Not surprisingly, cold remedies start with drinking lots of fluids, including electrolytes, along with lots of vitamin C and rest. In Japan, Okayu or rice porridge is also a popular cold remedy, while soups are more common in the US. Medicinal teas such as ginger teas are popular in both countries to treat tummy troubles and more. 

体の凝りはどうでしょう?日本では「肩こり」が蔓延してるため肩こりグッズなどが豊富ですが、Cheechan はアメリカで人気の入浴剤、エプソムソルトで心地良いバスタイムを過ごすのが大好き!

What about those achy muscles? In Japan, they have the word Katakori, which means tight neck and shoulders, and many fancy products to help you pound them out. Meanwhile, Cheechan loves her Epson salt soaks for muscle pain.


Check out this week’s episode at the link above and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcasts or Android!


※ be under the weather: 身体の具合が悪い、気分が悪い、体調不良

Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

Categories: Episodes