
Fried eyeball, a bowl of strangers, and blue apples. These are just a few names that when literally translated, sound a bit funny!

英語にも日本語にも、使うときは何の疑いもなく使うのに、訳すときになって初めてふと考える単語というものがあります。今週のエピソードでは Cheechan と Yakko が日々のバイリンガル生活の中で出会す「おかしな単語」について語り合います。今週は2人も笑いがおさまりません🤣

In English and Japanese, there are many names and phrases that we don’t think twice about, except when you’re trying to translate them. In this week’s episode, Yakko &  Cheechan laugh their way through this podcast while they share the funny literal translations they’ve come across in their bilingual experience. 


What funny translations have you come across? Let us know!


Check out this week’s episode at the link above and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcasts or Android!


Don’t think twice about : ためらうことなく、躊躇なく、疑いもなく、遠慮なく

*think twice about : 考え直す

** ボブ・ディランの“Don’t think twice, it’s all right”。良い曲ですよ〜是非聴いてみてください😉

Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

Categories: Episodes