お待ちかね、クイズエピソードの特別篇がやって来ました!今週は Cheechan と Yakko が食にまつわるクイズをひたすら出し合います!

It’s another pop quiz special episode! In this week’s podcast, Yakko & Cheechan quiz each other on analogies and idioms specifically about food!


From going bananas, daikon actors, and sugar coating, this episode is full of fun and funny sayings we use in everyday language.


Test out your analogies and idiom knowledge in Japanese and English. Let us know how many you got right!


Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!


specifically: 特に、具体的に、厳密に言うと、

absolutely、exactly、totally などなど、おしりに -ly が付く単語は超便利フレーズが盛りだくさん!ぜひ引き出しをたくさん作っておきましょう☆

Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

Categories: Episodes