While you’ll hear different accents throughout the United States, in Japan you’ll hear completely different dialects in different regions. Despite Japan being a small country, the dialects differ so greatly it’s like speaking another language!
In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan share their run-ins with different accents and dialects in Japan and the US. While Yakko has family in the southern region of Japan, Cheechan has family in the northern region. Both regions speak significantly different dialects!
Meanwhile, the English language has many different versions globally, such as American English, Australian English, and British English.
Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!
It took me by surprise: (突然で)驚いた、不意打ちをかけられた。
I was surprised. と同じ意味ですが「不意打ち」感が入っていて臨場感が増し、英語らしい自然なフレーズですので、使えるようになるとスピーキング力がグンと上がります!もちろん It took us by surprise.のように「自分たち」が驚いたシチュエーションでも良く使います。今回のエピソードでは数回登場しますのでぜひ耳を澄ませてエピソードを聴いて見て下さい⭐︎
みなさまへの感謝の意を込めて、無料e-book『みんなが見落としてた⁉ 英語スピーキングの5つの秘密』をプレゼントしちゃいます!ぜひ下記リンクから進んでゲットして下さい!
Yakko & Cheechan have a gift for you! It’s a free e-book, The Five Overlooked Secrets to Speaking English.
無料e-book みんな見落としてた⁉ 英語スピーキングの 5つの秘密とは!Get your copy here.
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com