Salt Urns + Funerals ( 骨壷とお葬式 ) – #075

Have you ever wondered what you should wear to a funeral? It can be hard to know the proper etiquette for funeral and memorial services, especially in other countries. みなさんはお葬式に着て行くべき物って考えますか?他国のお葬式や法事の仕来りや作法を把握するのって結構難しいですよね。 In today’s episode, we dive into some of the questions such as what to wear (and what not to wear) Read more…

Time + Fashionably Late ( 時間と適度な遅れ ) – #074

Is arriving five minutes early to a meeting on-time? It turns out, it depends on where you are! Yakko tells her story where she thought she was on-time. You be the judge. 「時間通りに到着する」とは実は5分早く到着すること?実はこの感覚、住む場所によって全然違います。今回は「時間通りに行動したつもり」だったエピソードを Yakko がシェアしてくれます。セーフかアウトか、みなさんはどう判断しますか? Meanwhile, Cheechan shares how she and John adjust for her parents vs friends and social Read more…

White Day + Valentines ( ホワイトデーとバレンタイン ) – #073

Valentine’s day is all about love and chocolates. But, that’s where the similarities of Japanese and American customs around this holiday ends. バレンタインデーと言えば愛とチョコ。でもアメリカと日本のバレンタインの共通項はこの2つだけ?! In America, Valentine’s Day is celebrated between loved ones with cards, gifts, chocolates, and flowers (or in Cheechan’s case, beef jerky sticks – listen to the podcast Read more…

Floor Living + Rolling Grandma (床生活とおばあちゃんの珍事件) – #072

Do you prefer to lounge in chairs and sofas or on floors and floor cushions? Zabutons are Japanese cushions designed for living on the floor. Meanwhile, recliners such as Barcaloungers have gained a lot of popularity in the states to lounge comfortably in a chair. 家でまったりするとしたら、みなさんはどっち派?バーカラウンジャのようなアメリカで人気のリクライニングソファでまったりする椅子やソファー派?それとも畳やラグに座布団を敷いて床でまったり過ごす派? In today’s episode, we Read more…