Golden Week + the 8th (ゴールデンウィークと八日) – #080

It’s the first week of May and it’s choked full of holidays in the US and Japan! But, the holidays are completely different ones. While Japan is celebrating Golden Week, Americans are celebrating Star Wars Day and Cinco de Mayo. 5月の第1週目は日本もアメリカも祝日が盛りだくさん!ただし祝う内容は全く違います。日本はゴールデンウィークとして祝い、アメリカはスターウォーズの日やシンコデマヨを祝います。 In today’s episode, we dive into the different holidays Read more…

Hair Cuts + Salons (散髪と美容室) – #079

Hair is personal. Some people like to spend a lot of time and money on their hair, while others like to keep it simple. Do you prefer to cut your own hair or go to a salon or barber? 髪の毛はとてもプライベートなもの。時間とお金をかけたがる人もいればシンプルに済ませたい人もいます。自分で切る人もいれば床屋や美容院に行く人もいます。皆さんは何派? In today’s episode, we compare the hair salon experience in Read more…

Easter Bunnies + Sakura (イースターバニーと桜 ) – #078

It’s spring! It’s time for chocolate bunnies, Easter eggs hunts, and cherry blossoms. While both Japan and the US celebrate the arrival of spring, the customs are quite different. 春が来た〜!うさぎちゃんチョコとイースター卵の宝探しと桜の季節です!日本でもアメリカでも春の訪れを祝いますがその祝い方は随分違うようです。 In today’s episode, we look at the various spring celebrations, which in the US often includes Easter related customs, while Read more…

HaraHachibu + Eating Slow (腹八分とゆっくり味わって食べること) – #077

Hara Hachibu is a Japanese phrase that literally translates to eight-tenths of a stomach. It’s the practice of eating only until you are 80% full. 「腹八分」という言葉を英語に直訳すると”eight-tenths of a stomach”!でも実際は満腹になる前に食事を止めることですよね。 In today’s podcast, we examine our eating habits and the tips and tricks we see in Japan and the US on Read more…

Relaxation + Stress Management (くつろぎとストレス発散) – #076

Karaoke for stress management? Yes, please! Thanks to the Karaoke Boxes in Japan, many people enjoy karaoke as a way to decompress and reduce stress. カラオケでストレス発散?全然ありですよね〜!日本は一人カラオケが出来るカラオケボックスがあって今やストレスを発散する方法の一つになっています。 In today’s podcast, we explore the different ways we relax from the stresses of our day. While exercise, yoga, and meditation are popular ways Read more…