Christmas + Ugly Sweaters (クリスマスとアグリーセーター) – #114

Happy holidays! Tis the season for Christmas lights, trees, and stockings. In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan share their favorite holiday festivities including ugly sweaters and favorite Christmas movies. 待ちに待ったクリスマスがやって来ました〜!ツリーやライトアップや靴下など心温まる素敵な季節????❤️今日のエピソードでは、アグリー(醜い)セーターやクリスマス映画など Cheechan と Yakko のクリスマスの楽しみ方について語ります。 Traditionally in America, Christmas is about spending time with family, while in Japan, it’s more Read more…

Breakfast + Potatoes ( 朝ご飯とポテト) – #113

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! What do you typically eat for breakfast? 朝ご飯は1日の中で一番大切な食事!みなさんは朝ご飯に何を食べますか? In today’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan share their favorite American and Japanese breakfast options. The two cultures do breakfast quite differently. So different, in fact, that Yakko doesn’t like to mix the two Read more…

Moving + Purging ( お引越しと断捨離 ) – #112

Yakko & Cheechan both recently moved homes in their respective countries. It’s not surprising to say that the process of moving can be quite different! 最近新しい住居に引越したばかりの Yakko と Cheechan ですが、アメリカと日本のお引越しはどのくらい違うのでしょうか? To start, there is the quantity of “stuff.” In the US, due to having larger homes, families tend to have Read more…

Road Trips + Car Snacks (ロードトリップとドライブ用おやつ) – #111

Potato chips, candies, omusibi – these are a few of our favorite car snacks to bring on road trips. Another critical factor for successful road trips are great playlists. These seem to be universal! (Or at least important in Japan and America.) ポテトチップス、飴、おむすび。これは私たちがロードトリップ(長時間ドライブ)に持っていく大好きなおやつ❤️ ロードトリップのもう一つの必需品は何と言っても良い音楽!これは世界共通?!少なくとも日本やアメリカではそのようです。 Cheechan also shares her road trip Read more…