BBQ + Corn on the Cob (バーベキューと焼きとうもろこし) – #123

What do New York steaks, yakisoba, corn on the cob, and shiitake have in common? They are all scrumptious meals that can be prepared on the barbeque! While cooking with fire is a global practice, it turns out what we cook and how we cook can be quite different? ニューヨークステーキ、焼きそば、とうもろこし、椎茸の共通点は?そう!全て、バーベキューに乗せる素敵な食材たちなのです!直火での調理は世界中どこにでも行われていますが、その方法や調理する食材は国によって少しずつ違いますよね? Read more…

Snowman + Winter Fun (雪だるまと冬の楽しみ) – #122

In this week’s episode, we ask an important question. Do you build your snowman with two snowballs or three? In America, the snowman is often depicted with three snowballs stacked on top of each other, while in Japan, there are often only two! 今週のエピソードは大事な質問から始まります、、、雪だるまを作る時、みなさんは雪玉をいくつ重ねますか?日本の雪だるまは2つ。でもアメリカの場合は大抵3つなのです、笑! In addition to the size of Read more…

Sounds + New Intro (音とイントロのリニューアル) – #121

Woohoo! We are stepping up our game here at Lost in Japanglish and are thrilled to roll out our new, super professional intro! ????We hope you love it as much as we do – we really strive to deliver interesting, entertaining content each week! やったぁ〜!ロスジャパ・ポッドキャストのイントロが遂にリニューアルさました❤️これからも毎週楽しいバイリンガル・ポッドキャストをお届けしたいと思いますので今後ともどうぞ宜しくお願い致しまぁす! Coincidentally, in this week’s episode, Read more…

Adulting + Mortgages (大人らしい行動と住宅ローン) – #120

When does one become an adult? That’s the question Yakko & Cheechan ask in this week’s podcast. 人はいつ大人になるでしょう?Cheechan と Yakko は今週のエピソードでそんな事を考えます。 First, there are the official adult ages. For example, legally, one is an adult at the age of 18 in the United States, though the drinking age is 21. Read more…