Purging + Practice (断捨離と練習) – #128

It’s time for an update! Earlier this year, Yakko has shared her goal to purge through her many boxes of stuff. In this week’s episode we check-in with Yakko on her progress. 突然ですが進捗状況の発表で〜す!年が明けた当初、Yakko は引越後まだ未開封の段ボールを開けて行く断捨離計画をシェアしてくれました!今週はその進捗状況について語り合います! Yakko & Cheechan also share their many challenges and lessons learned while purging through their things. Read more…

Piano + Recorder (ピアノとリコーダー) – #127

Do you play a musical instrument? Or is there one that you’ve always wanted to learn? Like most kids, you’ve probably had a music class or two where you learned the Do-re-mi song on the recorder or Chopsticks on the piano. みなさんは楽器を弾きますか?あるいは弾きてみたい楽器はありますか?大抵の方は子供の頃、リコーダーでドレミの歌を吹いたり、ピアノでチョップスティックスを弾いたことがあるのではないでしょうか? In this week’s episode, Yakko and Cheechan compare Read more…

Facemasks + Positivity (マスクとポジティブな気持ち) – #126

We are definitely in some challenging and uncertain times as the situation with the coronavirus (COVID_19) continues to evolve. Nothing is more important than our health and safety as a global community.  昨今のコロナウイルスの影響で世界中の人々が困難を強いられ、混乱状態にあるかと思います。今こそ何よりも健康と安全が大事ですよね! In this week’s podcast, Yakko & Cheechan share what they are doing to cope with their respective Read more…

Money + Envelopes (お金と封筒) – #125

They say money makes the world go round. Whether you’re in Japan or America, it’s 100% guaranteed you’ll have to do some dealings with money.  「この世はお金次第」という人もいます。確かに日本にいようがアメリカにいようが何らかの形でお金を扱わなければならない事は事実です。 In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan compare their wallets and what’s in them. Is it cash? Coins? Or plastic? What about apps? 今週のエピソードでは Read more…

Bathrooms + Doors (御手洗いとドア) – #124

In your home, do you keep the door to your bathroom or toilet open or closed when unoccupied? In Japan, it’s common practice to always keep the door closed. However, doors to restrooms are often left open in American homes. みなさんの家ではトイレを使っていない時ドアは開いてますか?それとも閉まってますか?日本では大抵の場合、閉まってると思います。でもアメリカでは開いていることが多いって知っていましたか?! In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan examine bathroom Read more…