Personality Tests + Cultural Context (性格診断テストと文化的な背景) – #149

How are you motivated? You can find out using the Four Tendencies quiz by Gretchen Rubin. She is known as the queen of the self-help memoir and author of The Four Tendencies and many other NY Times bestsellers. みなさんの「やる気」はどこから生まれますか?グレッチェン・ルービン女史の「4つのタイプ(傾向)」という性格診断テストを受けると自身の本質が少し見えてくるかもしれません。自己啓発作家の女王と言われるグレッチェンさんは「The Four Tendencies(翻訳版:『苦手な人を思い通りに動かす』)」をはじめ数々のベストセラー著者。 In this week’s episode, Yako & Cheechan take the Read more…

Translator + Favorite Resources (翻訳者と便利サイト) – #148

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a professional translator? Today, we ask our host Yakko to share her stories and favorite resources she uses to do her job. プロの翻訳者の仕事とは?今週のエピソードではロスジャパ・ポッドキャストのホスト兼翻訳者の Yakko に仕事の話や便利サイトについて聞いてみたいと思います。 But, in day-to-day life, Yakko & Cheechan often find themselves doing real-time interpretation. They discuss the Read more…

Plant-Based Eating + Really Hard Questions (野菜中心の生活と超難問クイズ) – #147

Mushrooms, gobo, and wakame – what do these all have in common? They are all wonderful staples in the plant-based diet. In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan share observations and their own personal experiences with plant-based eating.  マッシュルーム、ゴボウ、わかめの共通点は?そうです、全て野菜中心の生活を送るための素敵な野菜たち!今週のエピソードでは Cheechan と Yakko それぞれの野菜生活について語り合います。 Also, this week Lost in Japanglish introduces Read more…

Alters + Oakland Buddha (祭壇とオークランドブッダ) – #146

You can learn a lot about a culture’s spiritual beliefs by taking a look at what’s on the alters. In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan compare notes on their alters at work, at home, and their families. 祭壇と文化というものはとても密接な関係があると思います。今週のエピソードでは Cheechan と Yakko が自分自身や家族で分かち合う日常の中の祭壇について語り合います。 Yakko has a non-traditional, eclectic alter inspired Read more…