Horror Movies + Haunted Houses (ホラー映画とお化け屋敷) – #154

It seems there are two groups of folks when it comes to horror movies. Those who love them and those who hate them. Yakko & Cheechan are firmly part of the latter. In this week’s episode, they explore the cultural differences of horror films and haunted houses. ホラー映画は大好きな人と全然ダメな人と二手に分けれることが多いのではないでしょうか?Cheechan と Yakko Read more…

Silver Linings + Hiking (不幸中の幸いとハイキング) – #153

At Lost in Japnaglish, we try to focus on the positives, despite what life may throw at us. In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan discuss the American and Japanese sayings around this concept. 人生で直面するどんな困難に対してもなるべく前向きに生きようとするのが、ロスジャパ道。Cheechan と Yakko は今週のエピソードでそんな生き方にまつわる日米の表現について語り合います。 Even during the global pandemic, Yakko & Cheechan have discovered some wonderful Read more…

Pop Quiz + Pig Sounds (クイズと豚の鳴き声) – #152

Pigs oink. But, they also make many other sounds. Do you know what they are? 豚は「ブーブー」と鳴きます。ところが豚はその他色々な音を出すことを知っていますか? In today’s special episode, Yakko & Cheechan quiz each other on animal onomatopoeias in English and Japanese. Warning! Yakko & Cheechan worked hard to stump each other, so these are hard questions! 今日のエピソードでは、Cheechan と Read more…

Interior Design + Japanese Country (インテリアデザインと古民家風) – #151

Japanese country style design is quite different from other country styles such as French country or American farm country. As is traditional Japanese design and traditional European design. 和風デザインと洋風デザインに違いがあるように、日本の古民家風デザインは、フレンチカントリーやアメリカンカントリー風デザインとずいぶん違いがあります。 How would you describe your home? Is it artsy? Traditional? Or perhaps modern? In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan share Read more…

Authenticity + Wack-a-Mole (正直に生きることともぐらたたき) – #150

“Who am I?” This is the question Yakko & Cheechan often ask themselves. 「自分はいったい何者?」これは Cheechan と Yakko が常に自分に問いかけること。 Authenticity is a core value at Lost in Japanglish. We believe when living a bicultural life, there can often be conflicts in expectations and norms. Knowing yourself and being true to who Read more…