Vision Board + Rice Porridge Day (ビジョンボードと七草粥の日) – #171

Do you have any unique or unusual holidays you like to celebrate? In any given month, week or day, there are many holidays to observe. みなさんはこっそり祝う、ユニークで面白い記念日や年中行事はありますか?何々の日、何々の週、何々の月など、お祝いの日は年中沢山あります。 In this week’s episode, your hosts, Yakko & Cheechan selected a few lesser-known holidays in Japan and the US to participate in. Yakko chose Read more…

Quality Time + Love Languages (充実した時間と愛を伝える方法) – #170

Do you know what your love language is? You can take a quick and easy quiz designed by Dr. Gary Chapman to find out!  みなさんにとって「愛を伝える方法」とは?作家でもあるゲーリー・チャップマン博士の診断クイズを受けるだけで様々な発見が! In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan, and both their partners take the quiz to compare results. There were definitely a few surprises in there! Read more…

Body Language + Laughs ( ボディランゲージと笑い) – #169

Learning a new language is so much more than just building your vocabulary and grammar. There’s also body language and physical communication that differs from culture to culture. 新しい言語を学ぶということは単語力や文法力を身に付けることに留まらず、学習する内容は多岐にわたります。その一つが「ボディランゲージ」。この身振り手振りを使った非言語的なコミュニケーションも国や文化によって違ってくるからです。 In this week’s podcast episode, Yakko & Cheechan share their many insights and observations about body language in Japan versus the Read more…

100 Things List + Happy New Year! ( 100のリストと新年のお祝い) – #168

Happy New Year! We are delighted to dive into 2021 and to welcome the New Year, your hosts, Yakko & Cheechan have both created a 100 Things List. 新年あけましておめでとうございます!いよいよ2021が始まり、Cheechan と Yakko は心機一転「100のリスト」を作成してみました! A 100 Things List is simply a list of 100 things you’d like to accomplish in the year. Read more…