
What does it mean to age gracefully? It’s a question with many answers, as different cultures can have different views on aging. In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan share their observations on aging along with their personal goals.


While Yakko’s immediate goals include learning more about self-care, her long term goal is to become a “kawaii obaachan” – a cute senior who has lived a happy life. Meanwhile, Cheechan strives to age like her inspiration, Takimika-san, who is a personal fitness trainer in her 90s. 


Yakko & Cheechan both agree that the more you enjoy life, the more fun it is to grow older! What’s your take?  


Check out this week’s episode at the link above and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!


in the first place: 日本語では「そもそも」がピッタリ合う言葉。「そもそも〜するべき」「そもそも〜ではない」など、物事の発端や根本について話すときに良く登場します!

🎁 ❤️‍ 🎁 ❤️‍ 🎁

みなさまへの感謝の意を込めて、無料e-book『みんなが見落としてた⁉ 英語スピーキングの5つの秘密』をプレゼントしちゃいます!ぜひ下記リンクから進んでゲットして下さい!

Yakko & Cheechan have a gift for you! It’s a free e-book, The Five Overlooked Secrets to Speaking English. 

無料e-book みんな見落としてた⁉ 英語スピーキングの 5つの秘密とは!

Get your copy here

Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

Categories: Episodes