
Can you believe we’re already coming to a close for 2021? How fast time flies!


Already in November, the countdown has begun. In Japan, there is the practice of toshiosame – closing out the year that includes cleaning and sending out New Years cards. Meanwhile, in the United States most folks are quite busy gearing up for the winter holidays.


In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan share what they like to do to close out the year. Life still looks quite different due to the global pandemic, but that’s not going to stop them from making the most of 2021!


Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!


get ahead of the game: 直訳すると「ゲームで他者に差を付けて先を行く」という意味合いになりますが、イメージはそのままです。早め早めの行動を取ることで周りの人より優勢に立ったり、先取りすることを意味します⭐︎

🎁 ❤️‍ 🎁 ❤️‍ 🎁

みなさまへの感謝の意を込めて、無料e-book『みんなが見落としてた⁉ 英語スピーキングの5つの秘密』をプレゼントしちゃいます!ぜひ下記リンクから進んでゲットして下さい!

Yakko & Cheechan have a gift for you! It’s a free e-book, The Five Overlooked Secrets to Speaking English. 

無料e-book みんな見落としてた⁉ 英語スピーキングの 5つの秘密とは!

Get your copy here

Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

Categories: Episodes