What does it mean to call someone a snake? As it turns out, it depends on what country you are in! In America, being called a snake usually means someone who is deceitful, while in Japan, it means someone who is annoying.
In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan talk about the animal names we call people and what they mean. There are a lot of animals they cover, many of the associations are negative. They need your help to find more positive animal names we call people.
newbie: 新人、新米、新入り、新参者、ルーキーなどを表すスラング。「自分は新参者で〜」と自分を謙遜したり、「あのルーキーはすごい」「あいつは新米だから」などポジティブ、ネガティブ問わず耳にする頻度の高いフレーズです!
Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!
Yakko & Cheechan have a gift for you! It’s a free e-book, The Five Overlooked Secrets to Speaking English.
無料e-book **『**みんな見落としてた⁉ 英語スピーキングの 5つの秘密』とは!
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com