Do you live a bicultural and/or bilingual life? If yes, perhaps you can relate to the feeling of not being (insert your situation) enough. For example, not being Japanese enough, not being American enough, and so on.
In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan go deeper into this feeling of “not enough-ness” that can accompany bi-cultural living. They also share great tips on how to re-frame your thinking to being more than enough and bringing unique value to the table.
Also, join Yakko & Cheechan at the end of each episode for the weekly pop quiz to test your language and cultural knowledge of Japan and the USA!
carry oneself: 「振る舞う」という意味。今回のエピソードでは、the way we carry ourselves(自分たちの振る舞い方)という形で登場します!そして carry oneself with grace (優雅に/上品に振る舞う)とか carry oneself with confidence(自信を持って振る舞う)など、どのように振る舞うかを付け足してもOK!
Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!
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みなさまへの感謝の意を込めて、無料e-book『みんなが見落としてた⁉ 英語スピーキングの5つの秘密』をプレゼントしちゃいます!ぜひ下記リンクから進んでゲットして下さい!
Yakko & Cheechan have a gift for you! It’s a free e-book, The Five Overlooked Secrets to Speaking English.
無料e-book **『**みんな見落としてた⁉ 英語スピーキングの 5つの秘密』とは!
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com