
In this week’s episode, your hosts, Yakko & Cheechan, explore the world of underwear!


First, they answer the question, in Japanese, does パンツ refer to underwear or pants? And what are all the names for underwear in English and Japanese?


They also compare notes on the cultural differences and trends of underwear in Japan versus the United States.


Last but not least, Yakko & Cheechan share their beliefs on why it’s important to invest in nice underwear! Be sure to tune-in!


My work is done: 文字通り「私の仕事は終わった」という何の変哲もないこのフレーズ。元々は My work here is done./ My work is done here.(ここでの仕事は終わった)で、日本人にとって一番分かりやすい例えをすると、水戸黄門が悪を退治し「我々のここでの任務は果たした、よしよし」と一件落着して満足感に満ちた場面で登場するフレーズなのです。でもロスジャパで何故そんなフレーズが登場するのでしょう?今週のエピソードを聴いてぜひチェックしてみて下さい♬

🎧  😊  🎧    😊  🎧  😊  🎧


Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!

Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

Categories: Episodes