
It’s time for another special Pop Quiz episode!


Put your language skills to the test with this week’s special pop quiz episode, part two, featuring food-related sayings!


What does it mean to play weasel in Japanese? What does the elephant in the room mean in English? Tune in to find out!


piggyback on: piggyback 自体は日本語で言う「おんぶ」のこと。このことから piggyback on something で「何かに便乗する」という意味で使うことが出来ます。この語源は実ははっきりと分かっていないようですが pick-a-packpick pack が転じてpiggyback になったようなので、豚さんとは何の関係もないようです、笑!

🎧  😊  🎧    😊  🎧  😊  🎧


Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!

Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

Categories: Episodes