
Do you love self-care such as massages, manicures, and meditation? In this week’s episode, Yakko & Cheechan share their favorite self-care products that make their lives more luxurious and comfortable.


Yakko & Cheechan also clarify terminology around self-care and examine cultural differences when it comes to self-care, such as stimulating pressure points (tsubo oshi), tight neck and shoulders (katakori), and bath (onsen) products.


Don’t forget to stay to the end for our self-care-themed English and Japanese pop quiz!


glutes: ざっくり言うと、お尻の筋肉。正式にはgluteus maximum なので英語でも通称。日本語の正式名称は大臀筋(だいでんきん)。身体の細かい部位の名前は、日常で使う機会がなければなかなか出会うことが無く、意外に知らない人も多いのでは無いでしょうか?

🎧  😊  🎧    😊  🎧  😊  🎧


Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!

Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

Categories: Episodes