Do you struggle how best to say things in a polite and appropriate manner at work?
This week, Yakko & Cheechan are diving into some handy phrases for Corporate life. You’ll learn how to say the awkward, such as, “That’s not my job,” or “I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
We also explore the cultural differences between the directness of Western workplaces and the subtleties of Japanese business etiquette.
Join us as we uncover the playful side of mastering corporate communication across cultures. Learning the best ways to express ourselves in the workplace can be both enlightening and enjoyable!
jargon: 専門用語、業界用語。学術用語という意味での専門用語というよりは、ある業界や内輪でしか通じない隠語や特別な用語のこと。日本語で言えば、例えば寿司職人や建設業界の職人が使う用語もそのひとつで、部外者にとってはちんぷんかんぷんですよね。この性質から、若者の間だけで使われるスラングなどもある意味 jargon の一部と捉えられるでしょう🎶
🎧 😊 🎧 😊 🎧 😊 🎧
Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!
Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com