誕生日が「特別な意味」を持つのはどうしてでしょうか?🎂 今週のちーちゃんとやっこは、日本とアメリカの節目の誕生日を探ります!ケーキやプレゼントだけじゃありませんw!



What makes a birthday a big deal? 🎂 In this episode of Lost in Japanglish, Yakko and Cheechan explore milestone birthdays in Japan and the USA—and trust us, they’re more than just cake and candles!

From Japan’s traditional Shichi-Go-San (ages 7, 5, and 3) and the grand celebration of adulthood at 20, to America’s Sweet 16, turning 18, and finally being able to toast legally at 21, we break down the celebrations that mark life’s major moments. And as the years roll on, it doesn’t stop there! In the US, you’re “over the hill” at 40 or 50, but in Japan, you’re just getting started with Kanreki (60) and beyond, honoring longevity and life’s wisdom.

Join us for a fun, cross-cultural chat about how we mark life’s biggest milestones. Tune in, and you might just rethink how you celebrate your own next big birthday! 🎉✨


Get the short end of the stick : 誰かが「不公平に扱われる」、「不利な立場に置かれる」ことを意味します。一般的に、期待していた結果や待遇が得られず、他の人よりも損をしたり、厳しい状況に直面したりする場合に使われます。くじ引きをするときに長い方を引いた方が有利で、短いくじ(short end of the stick)を引いたら不利というイメージですね、涙!

🎧  😊  🎧    😊  🎧  😊  🎧


Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!

Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

Categories: Episodes


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