Drinking + Paying the Bill(飲酒と支払い)- #044

When tourists come from Japan, they often find tipping a pretty foreign concept. How much do I tip? Where and who do I tip? How do I tip? It can get a little tricky. It’s also tricky for Chieko after she’s had a drink or two. 日本から来た旅行者の頭を悩ませるのがチップ。いくら支払えばいいのか?誰にいつ、どうやって支払えばいいのか?結構厄介なものなのです。実は少々お酒が入ると Cheechan にとっても厄介なこと。 In Read more…

Coffee + Junkies(珈琲とジャンキー)- #042

While coffee is pretty universal, have you ever noticed it’s a little different everywhere you go? Even within the United States, there’s a huge range of coffee from weak diner coffee to Starbucks. 珈琲は今となっては世界的な人気を博してますが、地域によって少しずつ違うことに気づいたことありますか?アメリカ国内でもその違いは大きく、日本のアメリカンコーヒーを更に薄くした超薄いコーヒーからスタバ系のものまであります。 In Japan, they have blend coffee, which is a little stronger than American coffee and is Read more…

Free Time + Unagi (暇な時間と鰻)- #041

Sometimes it seems like busy-ness has taken over the world. In both Japan and America, we are all so busy! Except maybe Yakko’s husband? (You have to listen to the podcast to get this joke.) 😉 世界中の人が忙しさに追われてる気になってしまう時があります。日本でもアメリカでもみんなとにかく忙しい、、、但し Yakko の旦那だけは違うかも?(その真相はポッドキャストを聞いてチェックしてみて下さい!) In today’s episode, we compare notes on busy-ness in Japan vs. Read more…

Parents + Other People’s Opinion (親と他人の意見) – #040

Do you ever wonder what the currency exchange rate is or what the weather is like today in a foreign city? We do too, but only for a moment as Google can let us know in a matter of mere seconds. 外国の為替レートや世界の天気が気になることってありませんか?私たちももちろん考えますが、それは一瞬の出来事。何故ならグーグル先生に聞けばあっという間に答えてくれるから。 In this episode, we marvel at the courage Read more…

School + Snobby Swimmers (学校と生意気なスイマー)- #039

Have you ever felt like a foreigner in your own country? 母国にいるのに自分が外国人のように感じたことってありませんか? Cheechan had the unique experience of attending the 4th grade at Japanese elementary school in her hometown as a guest student. Yakko repatriated back to Japan in 5th grade. We had a lot to learn… and fast. We were Read more…

Fear + Triathlons(恐怖心とトライアスロン) – #038

One of the many differences between Japanese and American elementary schools is Japanese schools often have swimming pools where kids learn to swim. In America, most kids learn to swim from their parents or by taking swimming lessons from their local community pool. 日米の小学校にはたくさんの違いがあります。その一つはプール。日本の小学校には大抵プールがあり水泳の授業がありますよね?アメリカの場合、泳ぎは大抵親に教えてもらったり、地元のプールでレッスンを受けたりします。 In today’s episode Yakko shares her Read more…

Flip Flops + Tiny Chairs (ビーサンと小ちゃい椅子)- #037

We all have that friend who has a large shoe collection. Which begs the question, how many pairs of shoes does one really need? 膨大な靴のコレクションを持っている友達って必ずひとりふたりはいますよね?でも実際に必要な靴の数っていくつなんだろう? In this episode, we dive into different shoes needed in different locations – Hawaii vs. Japan vs. Seattle. 今回のエピソードではハワイ、日本、シアトルの地域別に検証していきます。 Another variation based on location is Read more…