You go to fetch your mail and to your delight, you find a gorgeous invitation to your friend’s wedding! How exciting! You are so happy for them until you realize you don’t know what you are expected to do.


We know the feeling! There’s a lot of traditional customs around weddings that differ from culture to culture. In today’s episode, we take a deeper look into the customs of gift giving for couples getting married.


Yakko & Yan are newly-weds, so we get a first-hand look into her experience with the customs of gift-giving in Japan, and how it differs from US customs.

Yakko と Yan は晩婚ではあるものの一応新婚さん。日本の結婚祝いについて自身の経験談をシェアしてくれます。アメリカの慣習とどんなところが違うのでしょうか?

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