Valentine’s day is all about love and chocolates. But, that’s where the similarities of Japanese and American customs around this holiday ends.


In America, Valentine’s Day is celebrated between loved ones with cards, gifts, chocolates, and flowers (or in Cheechan’s case, beef jerky sticks – listen to the podcast for more on this). In Japan, however, it’s just the ladies that give chocolates to their special someone on Valentine’s Day.

アメリカのバレンタインデーは、愛する人と祝う日。カード、プレゼント、チョコ、お花など色々なものを男女関係なく贈り合います(Cheechan の場合はビーフジャーキーを?!詳しくはポッドキャストで)。その一方、日本では女性のみがチョコを贈る日ですよね。

Unlike the U.S., Japan has a second part of the holiday, White Day, which takes place a month later on March 14th. It’s customary for the gentlemen to give gifts of chocolates back to the ladies on White Day. What do you think about these different approaches to celebrating love?


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Categories: Episodes