
This week’s episode is Wasei-eigo Part II. Wasei-eigo are pseudo-English words and phrases created by Japanese speakers that are based on English words but are not actually English. 

その中でも今週は家の中にあるものをテーマに、Cheechan と Yakko が惑わされて困惑した和製英語を取り上げます。 Yakko は「コンセント」(英語っぽく consent といっても通じません🤣)、Cheechan は「リンス」(英語では Conditioner と言い、rinse と言うと周りは??)でつまずきます。

Yakko & Cheechan share their stories of getting tripped up by Wasei-eigo when it comes to the house and household items. Yakko has been stumped by consent (pronounced connsennto), the wasei-eigo for power outlet, while Cheechan struggled with rinse (pronounced rinnsu), the wasei-eigo for conditioner. 


If that’s not confusing enough, there are also borrowed wasei-eigo in English, such as washlets, cosplay and anime! It’s no wonder learning a language is challenging!


Check out this week’s episode at the link in our profile and don’t forget to subscribe via Apple Podcast or Android!


If that’s not enough… : それだけではなく〜、これだけにとどまらず〜

上の文のように、not と enough の間に形容詞(形容詞句や現在分詞もOK)を入れる形も良〜く使われます。

Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com

Categories: Episodes